
Giving Birth to Your Show/Project (AKA, Your Baby!)

12:00 pm
Room 162
Attend this Session

Arys Déjan of the The Who & How Club (TWHC) will be leading an intimate and inclusive roundtable discussion focusing on podcast related topics.

This session is for those who have either been wanting to launch a project/show for the first time (Their baby), are already in the process of their launch, or have come to a standstill in their current show’s growth, and need an extra push in the right direction on where to go next!

Even if you fit somewhere in between the above, come join in!

This session will provide a safe space for PodCamp Toronto attendees to discuss and share their experiences on where they are currently in their podcasting journeys (whether listener, creator, supporter, network, etc.).

Arys will also aim to provide a space and opportunity for participants to build a bridge and connect with one another, to feel heard, and to brainstorm.

Key Take Aways

  • Where to find your inspiration from... and how to never lose it
  • How to formulate a solid plan for your dream project/show ..and how to bring your ideas to life
  • Key steps to launching your show/project/baby
  • Understanding the stages of your baby's/show's/project's growth
  • How to gather/build and obtain more content for your vault
Beginner Hacker & Maker Session


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